Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Hey Everyone,

It's been awhile now since my last post on my new blog for Fine+dandy. I would love to tell you all I've been soaking in the sun at the beach here in Florida but unfortunately thats not the case, I'm paler then ever and day dream only about computers and pixels :) The Reality of my life is..... I have been working overtime on the launch of the official website for FINE+DANDY PAPERIE. Not only have I most likely acquired a crazy case of carpul tunnel in the process but I've also redesigned my store front for the FINE+DANDY shop to coordinate along w/ the new website. 

It's big reveal will coming shortly.... A launch party will commence via the internet and everyone who's anyone is invited. The launch party will consist of absolutely nothing but staring at your computer screen and viewing loads of new products from FINE+DANDY :) I know, the excitement is overwhelming!

I'm also adding LOTS of new products for this spring as well as working on the celebrity swag bags for the up and coming MTV Movie Awards this June. 

There's LOTS to come, so stay tuned.

- Rachel



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