Friday, September 3, 2010


I know the holiday season inst for a few months,
but for those of you that don't like to procrastinate, check out the new holiday cards added.

There will be many more to come, this is just the start of the holiday season so be sure to check back as time goes on....

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-from time to time you are gonna come across a blog or two or five about my favorite reality shows and my thoughts on "what were they thinking" moments.... It's too hard NOT to have a discussion about these people and their lives

a few words on the Jersey Show episode from last night

#1:   I had to look away when that blonde girl was in bed with The Situation and started rubbing his belly after they finished, like she was reinacting a scene from Twilight laying in a feild of flowers, we knew what was coming next.... "I called you a taxi, when you're dressed I'll walk you to the door" .... classic.

#2:  Mike, that clearly was a dude you made out with, what girl would go out wearing sheer gloves up to her biceps and a choker from 1991.

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